To 'Spasticulate electric ventriloquisms', or 'Ventriculate spastique electrocutions'. That is the question.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ambiguity and arbitrarity and their present confusion

"Language is an error of humanity. Words do not express the depth of feeling between two beings who love each other. A word is a worn pebble applied to thirty-six shades of affectivity. Language is convenient for simplifying, but I detest it as a means of locomotion."

you may be a magnet o'r
a bowl of iron filings,
but one way or t'other,
unless you've had encounter
with a sucking vacuum cleaner,
only thinking you're a scorer
you will always die a virgin,
without stirring & inmixing –
in your thinking what is missing's
some voluptuous immersion.
Chuk Furier, Paraphrased    

ambiguous (adj.)
    1520s, from L. ambiguus "having double meaning, shifting, changeable, doubtful," adjective derived from ambigere "to dispute about," lit. "to wander," from ambi- "about" (see ambi-) + agere "drive, lead, act" (see act). Sir Thomas More (1528) seems to have first used it in English, but ambiguity dates back to c.1400.

arbitrary (adj.)
    early 15c., "deciding by one's own discretion," from O.Fr. arbitraire (14c.) or directly from L. arbitrarius "depending on the will, uncertain," from arbiter (see arbiter). The original meaning gradually descended to "capricious" and "despotic" (1640s).

The problem of a desiring id (thought like a boiling kettle or of the Tutel Age when Mr. Tootles lost his marbles, a desire in an age of tunnel vision like the long tube of a telescopic tv) is the cracked lens, a sort of manufactured glass revealing the ego on the other side as mere interpreter. Only the ego, seated upon the couch of reason (or like indica, a poor excuse – why Mister Salvatore Buddha liked sativa) ... I say again, only the ego can desire rationally as well as irrationally: logic and counter logic juxtaposed result in hegelian friction, otherwise known as antagonistic debate (see Antigone) or the autoeroticism of split-framed brains commonly thought of as schizoidal (but see trapezoidal geometry, necessary for the linear construction of manufactured lenses irregardless of a later state of fracture or refracture – see Pete and repeat across a functional amygdala or copper-mesh electrified gondola) a two-step which can and must lead to excessive blood loss given enough enlightened time to view it in.

The id, as Dr. F. well should have known, is a-rational, so could never encounter a personal intention – it is relaxed that way, just like Duchamp's fallen strings, an experiment on stoppage demonstrating much shorter lengths between two points than any straight line (or erect one), which would necessarily overshoot the mark every time – that's why at a distance one should aim high in all seriousness as well as foreplay.

It may be that the id is in contact with the excluded middle, those sepequish guts meandering like intestinal worms through a sea of chance, and discovers the scribblings of Fourier spelling Voluptuous Attraction like a vacuum cleaner sucking a milk-shake full of magnetised iron shavings without indigestion, but not before jumping in, if only to avoid cramps.

The french curve was always considered a thing of beauty next to any mere phallic representative (a mere use value). Straight by some means twisted thinking since to twist and untwist, in the same fashion as reason and madness, use the same movements but only in an inverted direction. Hence, the multilinear project is only unilinear squared n times or multi-plied.

Chance excluded from betwixt and between any two points is, beyond the definition of a prior utopian impossibility, the elimination of choice at the time and place one would be most comfortable making a healthy deposit for well-being beyond the intent to do so – it's a no-return bottle, not a matter for accumulation unless you're a lily or bank vault at the local fertilizer plant for odorless hospitality brought to you by the medical sanitation facility with their fertility aids hailing from orderly hospitals just prior to the poisonous injection.

So a straw (like a pipette) is also used to swirl liquids like a fan stirring air from your exhaust pipe for breathing room. All dialectic thinking points to nutrition and poison like there's an ether or proposition, but taste can only come from trying everything. Apathosis is only a venal disease caused by over-repetition and is generally self-mending if surrounding a particular bent or leaning between sabbaticals, no matter which day of the weak surrounding your absynthian absence. What's the difference if it makes synthetic sense? Sometimes they change the letters just to confuse us, sometimes it's a case of bottled amnesiatic fluid that gums up the transmission.

By definition, every disposition is a fall like Atlas dropping the ball and breaking. When evicted, it's more literal than dispossession. No dimension can alter that fact without vertigo to the consciousness – except maybe through unquantified consensus which is none of my business, that is, an esteamed sensus communis. There may be babies, but what's it to you? For like apples and oranges, a particle is by definition discrete whereas, a wave is the epitome of indiscretion. There's just no comparison between identities without a criterion through the heart of matter, and unlike the literal impaler of figurative vampires, a criterion is insubstantial, immaterial and quite unwavy-like.

So to answer the question of M. Duchamp, is there more or less art in a private toilet in a public museum? It is both calculated and grammatically correct, so there is little room for a charge of arbitrarity except in its more archaic sense. Ambiguity, on the other hand, is embraced, but what of it you may find is only that which you've brought along, and that is found art. No thing's ever been created unless it's meat (hence-from a critter); meaning's always found betwixt and between, that is, in the interregnal middle, curious as the anticipation of an impending birth but may last longer than a watched kettle. The disordered id lives outside culture, not ironically containing it (the deepest generative structure may have always been chaos); for the ego only, is much to be desired.

– see Tout Fait on Marcel Duchamp